Investigating the epidemiology and mechanisms of ankle sport injury in soccer players

Document Type : Original Article


1 master student of sport physiology

2 Master student of sports injury and corrective execises, University of ImamReza, Mashhad, Iran


The purpose of this research is to investigate the epidemiology and mechanisms of ankle pathology in football players. The current research is descriptive and retrospective.. According to the design and importance of the subject and with the coordination of the Football Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 390 football players (committee) participating in the selection of the national team were selected as subjects. The information and purpose of the questionnaire was explained to the athletes by the researcher, and the questionnaire was Athletes completed.The following questionnaires were used to collect information in this research: (a) Personal information questionnaire including height, weight, age and body mass index b) Sports information questionnaire including sports history Number of training sessions Number of days and hours of training Duration of training Type and warm-up period (c) ankle injury history questionnaire including history of injured leg (dominant and non-dominant), injury mechanism, time, type of injury, treatment and aftercare (d) ankle ability assessment questionnaire from this questionnaire and questions FAAM self-report questionnaire was used to measure ankle performance in daily activities and sports.. And according to the results obtained by identifying the mechanisms and factors involved in the injury and then taking preventive measures to reduce the amount of specific injury, about one in 12% of the injured athletes needed medical treatment, and 17% of them did not take any measures for treatment, and 57% also have self-medicated, in general, ankle sprains keep an athlete from participating in sports for at least one to 10 sessions, and one of the side effects of this injury will be the possibility of athletes re-injuring this area. or self-medication of athletes causes the lack of proper rehabilitation.


  • Receive Date: 24 November 2023
  • Revise Date: 24 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 10 February 2024