Relationship between Musculoskeletal Disorders and Upper Cross Syndrome with duration of teachers' online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.


Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history among teachers who taught remotely .The use of hand held devices (HHD) such as mobile phones, tablets have increased dramatically among teachers which can increased lead musculoskeletal pain disorders Therefore, The purpose of this study is to investigate musculoskeletal disorders to Upper Cross Syndrome and the duration of online teaching during the COVID-19 between Musculoskeletal Disorders and Upper Cross Syndrome with duration of Teachers’ online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: The sample population consisted of 40 females. The duration of using hand held devices has been questioned, Nordic questionnaire was used to determine the musculoskeletal disorders. The photogrammetry method was used to determine the round-shoulder and forward-head angles. the hypokyphosis was measured by a flexible ruler. Data was analyzed using SPSS software version 24.

Results: The results showed a significant positive relationship between hyper kyphosis abnormality and duration of cellphone usage. a significant relationship was found between duration of social media usage and forward head. There was a positive relationship between the duration of cellphone usage and rounded shoulder. In addition, a significant and positive relationship was found between the duration of social media usage and musculoskeletal disorders in the neck, shoulders, back, and wrists.

Conclusion: Distance learning, especially during COVID-19 pandemic, has exacerbated musculoskeletal disorders and postural abnormalities, so that increasing the duration of cyberspace can increases abnormalities and pain.


  • Receive Date: 12 November 2022
  • Revise Date: 03 February 2023
  • Accept Date: 19 February 2023