Comparison of lumbar position sense in students with and without lateral pelvic tilt

Document Type : Original Article


1 1.PhD Candidate, Department of Health and Sports Medicine, School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 خیابان پاسداران، بالاتر از چهار راه دولت، بهارستان پنجم، پلاک ١٢، زنگ دوم (یا اول) fifth Baharestan-Number 12


Purpose: proprioception is the sense by which a person can understand the position and movement of body parts. Pelvic Lateral tilt has various consequences such as back pain, impaired  .muscle function, but few studies have investigated its consequences The purpose of this study was to Compare lumbar position sense in students with and without lateral pelvic tilt

Methods: In this study, 11 students with pelvic lateral tilt and 15 healthy students participated in the study. (Healthy group: age (year): 17.56±0.75, Weight (kg): 56.87±8.56, height (cm): 159.67±7.51 and lateral Pelvic tilt group: age (year): 17.98±0.63, Weight (kg): 57.97±5.2, Height (cm): 161.32±6.5). using a goniometer and photogrammetric method, Lumbar reposition error in four directions of flexion, extension, left lateral flexion and right lateral flexion was recorded. The independence-samples t test was employed to analyze the data. The p-value=0.05 was regarded statistically significant.

Results: No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups with respect to reposition sense error for four directions of flexion, extension, left lateral flexion and right lateral flexion(P >0.05).

Conclusion: Given that no statistically significant difference was observed between students with lateral pelvic tilt and healthy students. One of the reasons for the lack of significance may be due to the low severity of the lateral tilt. Therefore, further studies need to be conducted to determine the difference in proprioception in students with pelvic lateral tilt and healthy individuals.


  • Receive Date: 01 June 2022
  • Revise Date: 14 November 2022
  • Accept Date: 05 December 2022